Contact: 04142-220088
Executive Director

Athene. J.S (Alais) Kathija Beevi

Our current curricula lack in intricacies and drive most of the pupils ruthlessly to a gloomy future. Once they are poured out of the Educational Institutions into the open world they find themselves helpless as what they studied fail to show them a right direction. This is the result of treating practically and communication part of learning as aliens. A new and time wanted program in improving the thinking power solving the crux by the logical tools and proper planning and executing them for the desired end product is being contemplated.

" We are far beyond any religion. We respect and adore humanity "

The better half Mr. Sheik Dhasthagheer Badhusha B.E., M.B.A., student of Visveshwaraiya Engineering College Bangalore University, NGO for the past 14 years where he met with various people and culture and development through his visit to United Kingdom, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Ruwanda, Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal has guided with his views.

Head of Learning Support
Mrs. Helen Fathima M.A., B.Ed., M.Phil.,
Head of Primary
Mrs. Geetha B.Sc., B.Ed.,
Head of Education Advisor
Mr. Pushpanathan (former Indian Bank Officer)
I.T. Supportive Advisor
Mr. Ali Abuthahir B.E.,
Educational Health and Nutrition Advisors
Dr. Mohamed Biwi. B.H.M.S.,